House Clearance

Do you need help with a full or part house clearance? Has a loved one passed away and you are left overwhelmed and unsure what to do next?
We are here to help with an efficient and professional service clearing your property of furniture, personal effects, and any items for disposal. As licensed waste carriers, we try to recycle as much as possible, Eco- sustainability is one of our main values.
Please contact us for initial free advice on how to proceed and arrange a visit to your property to quote for your house clearance. For a no-obligation discussion and to arrange a free quote, please call us on 02920465377 or 07389152255 or forward some photographs by email to
- Full or part house clearance including lofts, garages, sheds, outbuildings & storage units.
- No matter how large or small your home is our professional clearance team can remove anything you no longer wish to keep
- Clearing of houses or flats where there is restricted access.
- We are able to work with your key holder such as an estate agent or executor to provide a quote and carry out the required work.
- We will never discuss your situation with third parties or neighbours offering a strict confidentiality policy
- We always used closed vans to ensure your further privacy